Flash Steam Recovery (Thermocompressor)

  1. Re-use Flash Steam, boost low pressure steam to high pressure steam
  2. For application where needed medium pressure steam
  3. Avoid flash steam venting at water tank, enhance energy efficiency
  4. Recovery of Flash Steam, save your money and attractive R.O.I

Potential Savings Calculation

Estimate flash steam recovered: 300 kg/hr

Steam Cost: RM 120 / tonne

Annual Operating Hours: 800 Hours

Flash Steam Recovered per Annum

300 kg/hr X 800 Hours = 2,400,000 kg/Annum =2,400 tonne / Annum

Monetary Savings per Annum

2,400 Tonne X RM 120 = RM 288,000 / Annum



  1. Re-use Flash Steam, boost low pressure steam to high pressure steam
  2. For application where needed medium pressure steam
  3. Avoid flash steam venting at water tank, enhance energy efficiency
  4. Recovery of Flash Steam, save your money and attractive R.O.I

Potential Savings Calculation

Estimate flash steam recovered: 300 kg/hr

Steam Cost: RM 120 / tonne

Annual Operating Hours: 800 Hours

Flash Steam Recovered per Annum

300 kg/hr X 800 Hours = 2,400,000 kg/Annum =2,400 tonne / Annum

Monetary Savings per Annum

2,400 Tonne X RM 120 = RM 288,000 / Annum