Steam System Energy Audit
- Steam Generation
- Boiler efficiency direct method (actual trial)
- Fuel consumption & steam load pattern
- Blowdown and water quality
2. Steam Distribution
- Study of Steam Piping & Distribution Network
- Steam pipe line sizing and pressure drop calculation
- Steam pipe line insulation survey and estimation of condensate load
- Identification and quantification of steam leakages
3. Trap Study
- Performance evaluation of existing trapping system
- Identification and tagging of each trap
- Evaluation for correctness for type, size, application and operation
- Quantification of steam loss
4. Steam Utilization
- Identification of Steam consuming areas.
- Study steam consuming equipments
- Steam mass balance
5. Condensate and Flash Steam Recovery
- Study of present Condensate Recovery system
- Quantification of maximum possible recovery of condensate and flash steam
- Identification for the potential for the flash steam generation and Utilization